Algemene voorwaarden

General terms and conditions for participation in a course at RUIG.


Registration is binding for every participant. A registration is binding once an online booking has been completed. RUIG reserves the right to cancel a course at short notice. Amounts already paid will be refunded in the event of such an event as soon as possible if RUIG and/or the participant cannot agree to another date. Further claims against RUIG are not possible in this situation.

Course price and services provided:

For the prices of the various (forging) courses as well as the services provided for them, please refer to our website.

Payment and cancellation costs:

When booking a course (online), there is a payment obligation to RUIG and an agreement is concluded. When booking, at least half of the course costs must be paid to RUIG. The remainder must be transferred to our account before the start of the course or paid on location before the start of the course by card or in cash. In the event of cancellation of the course by the participant and/or failure by the participant to appear on the day of the course, we will charge the following cancellation costs:

From 6 weeks before the start of the booked course - 15% of the course fee

From 4 weeks before the start of the booked course - 50% of the course fee

From 3 weeks before the start of the booked course - 100% of the course fee

The participant is free to appeal to leniency from RUIG in the event of illness or force majeure. However, RUIG is in no way obliged to agree to this. It may reject such a request at any time without stating reasons.


In the event of personal injury caused by incorrect actions of the participant, recklessness or carelessness on the part of the participant, RUIG bears no liability. RUIG is only liable for damage of any kind in the event of intent and/or gross negligence on the part of RUIG.

RUIG is not liable for loss or damage to valuables, clothing and/or money.

RUIG does not replace damage to health and consequential damage caused by participation in the course.

Each participant must sign a liability disclaimer before the start of the course. The participant hereby declares that he/she is physically healthy and that there are no medical objections to participating in a course at RUIG. The participant further declares that RUIG is only liable for any damage caused by participation in the course if intent or gross negligence on the part of RUIG was the cause. By signing the disclaimer, the participant confirms that he/she has read, understands and accepts the disclaimer in its entirety.